Monday, December 8, 2008

How did she know?!?

So, here's a funny story about Miss Mavis. Tonight Jake and I were finishing some Christmas shopping at the mall. It was time to wrap things up for the evening and we decided to head to the Krispy Kreme Donuts shop before going home because it is on the way...and because KK donuts are to die for! Wouldn't you know, the "hot donut now" sign was on (thank you Jesus!) so we decided to take Mavis in to see the donuts roll off the conveyor belt. A Christmas miracle in and of itself:) The minute we walk in Mavis gasps and let's out an emphatic "Ooh!" Then she immediately points to the donut case and does the sign for "please" as fast as her little hands will go. Now, keep in mind that she has never tasted, seen, nor been aware that donuts even exist, much less put a hot Krispy Kreme in her mouth. She knew without any prompting that Krispy Kreme's were delicious and she needed one, pronto! It was hilarious! She was licking her chops the minute we started looking in the donut case. As soon as those donuts were in our possession she had to have one. We let her try a little, she took one bite and then shoved the entire quarter of a donut in her mouth at once. We must be doing something right, our girl knows what's good in this world:) So I ask did she know?!?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Deck the Halls!

The house is decorated for Christmas ...well, two of four trees are up:) Here are pics of our home during the holidays.

Winter Time

Mavis and I love our time together! Here are some pics of us playing outside. The cold weather feels so good right now and she loves being out there. Mostly she loves handing me all the leaves on the ground:) Enjoy this pics. Stay tuned for Christmas pictures!

snack time

Here are some updated pics of our girl. We have had an eventful holiday season so far. These are a few pics taken from snack time just before Thanksgiving. She is growing up, but getting smaller! We went to the doctor this week and the child still only weighs 21 lbs.-which is what she weighed when she was 10mos. old! She is getting stronger, smarter, and taller...but smaller! I guess that's what happens when you are walking all over. I am so sad to see those baby rolls go, but so excited to see her grow up! She is so funny. Her new thing is to say "uh oh spaghetti-o." It kinda comes out "uh oh gat do" but it's adorable anyway. Enjoy. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

15 months old!!

Hello family and friends. Just wanted to give you all an update on little Miss Mavis. She turned 15 months old on Saturday and we just can't believe it! She is beautiful and we are just loving this stage of her life. She is walking, talking and keeping us on our toes! She will pretty much repeat anything you ask of her. Her new words this week are "breakfast" and "waffles." She is getting so big. Her new favorite thing is to play on the indoor playground at our mall. She loves it because there are so many other children exactly her age. She has learned how to climb up the ladder to the slide and go down on her tummy. Jake often has to referee because she hasn't quite gotten the hang of letting the other kids have their turn. We are working on it:) She is so cute in her fall clothes and jackets. I love to see her all bundled up with just her rosy cheeks peeking out above her clothes! So cute. And her pigtails get longer everyday! Check back for more news on our girl!

a new pic is coming soon...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lovely Lady bug!

Wanna see the cutest little lady bug on the block! Here she is! We went to a trunk or treat tonight and to the pumpkin patch. Mavis had a blast and was rockin' her halloween costume! Enjoy these pics of our girl!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Gran and Grandaddy

Thanks for all your help on Sunday, Gran and Grandaddy! Can't wait to see you again soon!

Family Reunion 2008

Mavis and I just got back from the Anderson Family Reunion. It was great, even though it was short and sweet. We all met up in Greer's Ferry, Arkansas. It is so beautiful! Here are some pics of Mavis having a blast with her cousins! enjoy!

Olly Olly Oxen free!

I just wanted to introduce you all to Mavis' favorite toy right now. She has decided that walking is for the birds...why doesn't everyone just scoot! Olly is Jake's toy from his 2nd Christmas and thanks to my wonderful, sentimental mother-in-law, he is alive and well. Even after 28 years! She has saved the most amazing things! Olly is great! Mavis loves to scoot all around the house, coasting up to us on the couch, checking out the dogs being walked down the street, even using him to help her get much needed things that Mommy thought were out of reach. Enjoy, I will try and get a video up soon so you all can see Olly in action!


Hello everyone. sorry for the oh-so-annoying background music that was on the blog for a while. it has been fixed. thank goodness!!

Monday, October 13, 2008


We just got back from a vacation with my family to the beautiful island of Jamaica!! The vaca was much needed and we had a great time! We went to a family resort there and Mavis loved every minute of it. Sesame Street characters were everywhere and she loved laughing with them. She was never once scared of them! Her favorite part of the trip was all the Jamaicans!!! She loved every single person from the resort staff that we were with, especially the boys! She had them wrapped around her finger! Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of her with the staff, but enjoy these pics of us at the resort. We owe a huge thanks to my mom for the wonderful vacation! Thanks so much! It was wonderful!